Are Antifa Terrorists? | Southern Nation News Test Bed

12 September 2017

Are Antifa Terrorists?

The extreme left-wing movement known as “antifa” may soon be classified as a gang and subjected to the same kind of penalties that Bloods and Crips face in court proceedings, wrote the Los Angeles Times on Sept. 4. In light of the mob violence that antifa and their #BlackLivesMatter allies have inflicted on traditionalist and Alt Right citizens in the past several years — including assaults at Sacramento, Berkeley, and most recently Charlottesville — it’s high time that someone does something about these out-of-control anarchists and Communists.

In typical left-wing fashion, however, the debate over whether to classify antifa criminals for what they are — an organized gang dedicated to criminal violence and the suppression of white, heterosexual, Christian, male civil rights — is couched in terms of fighting the Alt Right.

You know, because the Alt Right movement dedicated to civil rights, with no hierarchical organization, which openly disavows the use of criminality or violence, is somehow equivalent to organized, hierarchical gangs that break the law violently, early, and often.

The mayor of Berkeley has embraced such a definition of what constitutes lawful assembly and speech, and what does not. To him, if you show up to …

Read more at the Faith and Heritage blog
(The opinions in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Southern Nation News or SN.O.)