Feds Threaten Maine Food Sovereignty Law; Governor LePage Caves | Southern Nation News Test Bed

14 September 2017

Feds Threaten Maine Food Sovereignty Law; Governor LePage Caves

AUGUSTA, Maine (Sept. 14, 2017) – Maine Gov. Paul LePage has called for a special emergency session of the legislature to roll back a food sovereignty bill he signed into law earlier this year, after the federal government threatened to take over meat and poultry inspection in the state.

Sen. Troy Jackson (D-Aroostook) sponsored Senate Bill 725 (LD725). Titled “An Act to Recognize Local Control Regarding Food Systems,” the legislation gives local governments the authority to enact ordinances regulating local food distribution without state interference. The new law not only takes a big step forward for food sovereignty and local control by reducing state regulation, it also creates an environment hostile to federal regulations and can potentially nullify some FDA and USDA edicts in effect.

Practically speaking, the law eliminates state licensing and regulation requirements on local, direct producer to consumer sales, and allows local communities to create their own networks of distribution and regulation.

“Pursuant to the home rule authority granted to municipalities by Title 30-A, section 3001 and by the Constitution of Maine, Article VIII, Part Second, and pursuant to section 201-A, and notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a municipal government

Read more at The Tenth Amendment Center
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