“We Are No Charlottesville” – Anti-Monument Agitators Shut Down During Day of Protests in Richmond | Southern Nation News Test Bed

17 September 2017

“We Are No Charlottesville” – Anti-Monument Agitators Shut Down During Day of Protests in Richmond

Once again, Richmond, State and Capitol police are to be commended for their swift and certain actions, careful planning, and willingness to enforce the law yesterday. We had worked closely with law enforcement in the weeks leading up to September 16, and are grateful for their cooperation.
Thel Black Lives Matter /Antifa/take em down crowd was tuned back at each monument they attempted to swarm yesterday and sent back to VCU to march through their own turf. Troublemakers were quickly arrested and a clear message sent that RVA is not Charlottesville and will not tolerate chaos and mayhem. Four were people wearing masks in public, two people were arrested for weapons charges, and one was arrested for disorderly conduct. No one was injured.
At last check at dawn this morning, RVA Monument Guards reported NO vandalism at any of the Confederate memorials and a continued police presence. Considering the number of monuments that stand in the Capital of the Confederacy, and the number of communist anti-monument agitators in town yesterday, that is something we can all can be very proud of.
The Va Flaggers offer our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our local law enforcement officers. They patiently endured

Read more at the Virginia Flaggers site
(The opinions in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Southern Nation News or SN.O.)