White Christians Now a Minority in Their Own Country | Southern Nation News Test Bed

11 September 2017

White Christians Now a Minority in Their Own Country

We’ve come a long way from Plymouth Rock and Jamestown. A long way down. On Sept. 6, the Public Religion Research Institute (a left-wing think tank aligned with The Atlantic and Brookings Institution, for example) released a report designed to gaslight people like you and me.

White Christians, once predominant in the country’s religious life, now comprise only 43 percent of the population, according to the Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI, a polling organization based in Washington. Four decades ago, about eight in 10 Americans were white Christians.

While PRRI and the lugenpresse are dancing a premature victory dance in the demographic end zone, the fact is that the twin plagues of increasing non-white share of the population and the increasing irreligion among white Americans have eroded the foundation of the American ethnonation.

The Trump movement, which won in 2016 with strong support from conservative white Christians, has shown that there is still plenty of demographic power left in the old Americans.

President Donald Trump, who repeatedly promised to protect the religious liberty of Christians, drew 80 percent of votes by white evangelicals, a constituency that remains among his strongest supporters.

However, demography is destiny. Trump’s election was a …

Read more at the Faith and Heritage blog
(The opinions in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Southern Nation News or SN.O.)