Why Abolitionism is Replacing the Pro-Life Movement –  | Southern Nation News Test Bed

05 September 2017

Why Abolitionism is Replacing the Pro-Life Movement – 

Freedom Outpost: I am excited to announce that very soon we will be having a few contributors from the state of Oklahoma.  Among those contributors, we are hoping to welcome gubernatorial candidate Dan Fisher.  However, to give you a taste of a man who has works that demonstrate his faith, I’d like to introduce you to T. Russell Hunter.

Mr. Hunter took time to speak with me over the weekend and we are excited about a new video that is set to rock Oklahoma politics on Wednesday and quite possibly the entire nation.

In preparation of that release, I thought it appropriate to point you to a short talk that Hunter did on why abolitionism is replacing the pro-life movement.

While the pro-life movement may mean well, it has the wrong concept of dealing with the murder of the unborn.  The pro-life movement, like its progressive counterparts, want to incrementally push their agenda.

The problem is that they are always allowing space and reason for the murder of the unborn.

Abolitionists do not allow for that at all.

Plus, abolitionists think like then presidential candidate Donald Trump when he stated that a mother who engages in the murder of her unborn baby is not a victim, but a criminal and should be treated as such, along with the abortionist and anyone having a hand in the murder.

With that stated, Hunter lays out the five tenets of abolition and why the pro-life movement must be abandoned if people are serious about ending the murder of the unborn…

Source: Why Abolitionism is Replacing the Pro-Life Movement – Freedom Outpost