About SN.O | Southern Nation News Test Bed

01 January 2021

About SN.O

Southern Nation News is the Only News Site Dedicated to Traditional Southern Values, Providing a View of Life Behind the Cotton Curtain with News, Views, and Inspiration on Southern Heritage, Nationalism, Politics, Faith, and History from SouthernNation.Org.

Back about 2000, there were two websites that a lot of Southerners really liked and checked daily to get the latest pro-Southern news. Both of these sites were forerunners of blogs and news aggregators before such things even existed. In other words they were done by hand and were labor intensive. It’s a wonder they lasted as long as they did. Their longevity was a tribute to the dedication of webmasters handwriting html over dial-up modems.

Those were exciting times in the Southern movement. Positive things were happening. We were making headlines, building relationships, gaining allies, marching enmasse, and winning fights. Some of that success was due to the ground breaking communication efforts of these Internet pioneers. These two websites were at the heart of that effort. They were Aw Shucks (shucks.net) and The Southron Nation Project (cpt_peewee.tripod.com).

Each site had its strong points. Aw Shucks was the best place to go for current and breaking news that effected the Southern movement. It was a Southern version of the Drudge Report years before Matt Drudge became famous. The Southron Nation Project was where we went for inspiration. It propagated Southern political strategy and commentary with an emphasis on a conservative Evangelical Christian mode of activism. Together, with input from a couple of sites like Southern Caucus and the Grey Line, they would have made up the perfect Southern news site.

After communicating with some of those Internet pioneers, I found they agreed. They were most helpful with advice, furnished archives of old articles for editorials, and one even loaned the domain name. So it is with the utmost admiration for those old webmasters that SouthernNation.Org goes live on 1 January 2022

I hope you enjoy SN.O. This site belongs to all of us. It is here for you to use. Please be judicial and genteel with your posted comments to reduce moderation chores. Here it is hoped that you will find the best of our old favorites plus a little history, inspiration, and humor added to the mix.

Deo Vendice. Resurgam!
From occupied Arkansas,