Biden to Withdraw Chipman ATF Nomination | Southern Nation News Test Bed

09 September 2021

Biden to Withdraw Chipman ATF Nomination

President Joe Biden reportedly plans to withdraw the nomination of David Chipman, the Gabby Giffords’ gun control associate whom the administration put forward to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).

Politico reported the pending withdrawal of Chipman’s nomination, citing “three sources close to the process.”

The Washington Post reported the news about Chipman as well, citing “bipartisan pushback” against the gun controller’s nomination.

This news comes one day after Breitbart News pointed out that Chipman would need at least one Republican senator to defect to the Democrat side to secure confirmation.

Donald Trump Jr. has been among the strongest and most consistent voices against Chipman throughout the nomination/confirmation process…

Source: Report: Joe Biden to Withdraw David Chipman Nomination