Get Woke, Go Broke... | Southern Nation News Test Bed

26 September 2021

Get Woke, Go Broke...

The Radical Communist Takeover of Our Country: America is Finished … Unless We Move Quickly

Wayne Allen Root -Town Hall

I’m one of the few people in America who can explain exactly what’s happening to America. This is a full-scale assault. A radical communist takeover of our country: our government agencies; our justice system; our borders; our schools and colleges; our police and military; and our economy.

And don’t forget our voting system. It’s now completely rigged by Democrat-coordinated voter fraud – build around a foundation of mail-in ballots with no voter ID; printing your own ballots at home; ballot harvesting; no signature verification; counting ballots for days after the election; and millions of noncitizens voting with the driver’s licenses Democrats demanded they get from the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Exhibit A is the California recall election that just ended last week. It was rigged from the get-go…

Read the rest: The Radical Communist Takeover of Our Country: America is Finished … Unless We Move Quickly