SC sheriff warns : 'If you hunt our children you will become the hunted' | Southern Nation News Test Bed

08 September 2021

SC sheriff warns : 'If you hunt our children you will become the hunted'

South Carolina Sheriff Kevin Tolson delivered stern message after arrests in Operation Home Alone

South Carolina authorities announced Tuesday that five more people have been arrested as part of a sex crime sting operation targeting those who seek out children over the internet.

York County Sheriff Kevin Tolson said five more potential child predators were arrested as part of Operation Home Alone, an online child exploitation investigation conducted since March by the York County Sheriff’s Office along with 13 other state and federal law enforcement agencies.

“Let this send a strong message to any child predator, if you hunt our children you will become the hunted,” Tolson said at a press conference Tuesday.

These suspects “did not travel to perpetrate sexual crimes, but did commit criminal offenses online,” the sheriff’s office said in a statement. Arrest warrants indicated the suspects allegedly used social media apps to seek out individuals believed to be minors as young as age 12 for sex…

Source: SC sheriff warns child predators after 5 sting arrests: ‘If you hunt our children you will become the hunted’ | Fox News