UDC wants stolen Memorial Fountain back from City | Southern Nation News Test Bed

28 September 2021

UDC wants stolen Memorial Fountain back from City

Confederate Fountain

The head of a chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy wants the city of Helena to give back a donated fountain that was removed from a public park in 2017 due to racial concerns.

Jewel Wellborn, president of the Colorado-based Margaret Howell Davis Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, wrote in a Sept. 15 letter and Sept. 21 email to city officials that her chapter, along with the Rocky Mountain Confederate Conservation Council, wants to discuss relocating the UDC Confederate Memorial Fountain that had been in Hill Park from 1916 and moved to an undisclosed location 101 years later…

Source: Group that donated Confederate fountain to Helena wants it back | Local | helenair.com