Taking Antifa's Mask Off | Southern Nation News Test Bed

30 October 2021

Taking Antifa's Mask Off

Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy, by Andy Ngo (Center Street: 2021), 320 pages.

On June 29, 2019, journalist Andy Ngo was covering a standoff between Antifa and the Proud Boys in Portland, Oregon. Black-clad Antifa rioters punched him in the head, kicked him, and beat him so badly he suffered a brain hemorrhage. Ngo’s work covering Antifa in Portland and across the United States has made him a target: he has photos of slogans such as “KILL ANDY NGO” spray-painted in enormous letters on walls; Antifa members have showed up at his front door late at night in black bloc, each wearing masks of his face. Reluctantly, Ngo recently decided that he had no choice but to leave his hometown and the United States for a while.

“I had to flee Portland because of the rising death threats against me…

Read the rest: Taking Antifa’s Mask Off – The American Conservative