Judge orders Jan. 6 defendant with cancer freed after 'deplorable' conditions found at DC jail | Southern Nation News Test Bed

04 November 2021

Judge orders Jan. 6 defendant with cancer freed after 'deplorable' conditions found at DC jail

A federal judge on Wednesday ordered that a Jan. 6 defendant diagnosed with cancer be transferred to another prison after an inspection at a D.C jail found that prisoners were living in "deplorable" conditions.

Judge Royce Lamberth ordered that Christopher Worrell, a member of the Proud Boys, be immediately transferred to another jail and then released to home detention for chemotherapy as soon as possible, CNN reported. He stated that the "court has zero confidence" that the D.C. jail would provide proper treatment and not retaliate against Worrell…

…CNN noted that the U.S. Marshals Service is currently moving 400 prisoners out of a section of the D.C. jail — Worrell being the first of them — after an inspection discovered poor conditions, including water being shut off for days, toilets being clogged and one inmate developed an infection when he was unable to wash himself after being pepper sprayed…

Source: Outraged judge orders Jan. 6 defendant with cancer freed after ‘deplorable’ conditions found at black-operated DC jail…