What’s ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter’s End Goal? A National Police State | Southern Nation News Test Bed

08 November 2021

What’s ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter’s End Goal? A National Police State


Freedom First Network:

Michael Letts of IN-VESTUSA.org, sat down with the NOQ REPORT NEWS UPDATE to discuss the latest insidious assault on our Bill of Rights, namely the incursion of the U.S. Capitol Police in law enforcement into non U.S. Capitol jurisdictions with out adequate justification. This is at odds with the 10th Amendment, of the Bill of Rights, which clearly states:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

According to Michael Letts, whose 501 C3 In-VestUSA supplies law enforcement with body armor protection against mass shootings, the radical Left are all aboard with this outrageous nationwide usurpation of State and Local law enforcement. Letts remarked:

“ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter objective is not to eliminate law enforcement, it’s [to]eliminate State and Local law enforcement and have one Federal force and here is the proof of that statement , you know that the U.S. Capitol Police….the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has now given them $620 million dollars, one of the biggest budgets of any law enforcement agency in the world….and had them open an office in Miami….Explain to me what U.S. Capitol Police have any business in Miami….

Read the Rest:

Michael Letts: What’s ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter’s End Goal? A National Police State